.KI is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Kiribati.
Have any requirements or restrictions for .KI?
There are no restrictions on who can register a .KI domain name. Anyone can register a .KI domain without providing supporting documents.
What is the length limitation for .KI?
1-64 characters.
What is the terms of registration?
1 to 4 years.
What is the terms of renewal?
1 to 4 years..
How does the Domain Life Cycle work for .KI?
We suggest you had better renew a .KI domain before it expired, after a .KI domain was expired, it will has 1 day Renewal Grace Period, 28 days Redemption Grace Period, no Pending Delete Period. If you did not renew or redeem the domain name, it will be released for public re-registration after 29 days from the expiration date (Please follow the relevant policy of sponsor registrar). Please note that domain re-registration is based on first-come, first-serve basis.
Do you want to register a .KI domain? You can click https://www.zname.com/domain_result.